RAG Rating Key: |
RAG for Service Areas |
RAG for Directorates(1) |
RAG for General Fund |
Red |
Forecast overspend of 5% or more or £0.100m whichever is lower |
Forecast overspend of 5% or more or £0.250m whichever is lower |
Forecast overspend of 0.5% or more or £1.000m whichever is lower |
Amber |
Forecast overspend of less than 5% of budget or £0.100m, whichever is lower. |
Forecast overspend of less than 5% of budget or £0.250m, whichever is lower. |
Forecast overspend of less than 0.5% of budget or £1.000m, whichever is lower. |
Green |
Breakeven or forecast underspend
Breakeven or forecast underspend
Breakeven or forecast underspend
2024/25 |
Forecast |
Forecast |
Budget |
Variance |
Variance |
Month 7 |
Month 7 |
Month 7 |
Rating |
Service |
£'000 |
£'000 |
% |
Month 7 |
Director of Families, Children & Learning |
191 |
0 |
0.0% |
Green |
Health, SEN & Disability Services |
9,920 |
702 |
7.1% |
Red |
Education & Skills |
12,735 |
973 |
7.6% |
Red |
Children's Safeguarding & Care |
41,371 |
(2,188) |
-5.3% |
Green |
Quality Assurance & Performance |
1,720 |
(74) |
-4.3% |
Green |
Libraries & Information Services |
3,633 |
(1) |
0.0% |
Green |
Total Families, Children & Learning |
69,570 |
(588) |
-0.8% |
Green |
Adult Social Care Operations |
83,252 |
146 |
0.2% |
Red |
S75 Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT) |
20,636 |
1,735 |
8.4% |
Red |
Commissioning & Partnerships |
5,450 |
244 |
4.5% |
Red |
Life Events |
239 |
183 |
76.6% |
Red |
Public Health |
3,134 |
0 |
0.0% |
Green |
Housing General Fund |
12,982 |
2,234 |
17.2% |
Red |
Total Housing, Care & Wellbeing |
125,693 |
4,542 |
3.6% |
Red |
City Transport |
(7,106) |
229 |
3.2% |
Red |
City Environment |
33,690 |
(242) |
-0.7% |
Green |
City Development & Regeneration |
3,392 |
387 |
11.4% |
Red |
Culture, Tourism & Sport |
10,112 |
10 |
0.1% |
Amber |
Property & Design |
2,388 |
1,016 |
42.5% |
Red |
Safer Communities |
3,720 |
(195) |
-5.2% |
Green |
Total City Services |
46,196 |
1,205 |
2.6% |
Red |
Policy, Communications & Leadership Office |
1,837 |
159 |
8.7% |
Red |
Legal & Democratic Services |
3,509 |
51 |
1.5% |
Amber |
Elections & Land Charges |
413 |
(132) |
-32.0% |
Green |
Customer, Modernisation & Performance Insight |
1,435 |
(52) |
-3.6% |
Green |
Finance |
2,182 |
370 |
17.0% |
Red |
Procurement (Mobo) |
(39) |
0 |
0.0% |
Green |
HR & Organisational Development |
3,878 |
29 |
0.7% |
Amber |
Information Technology & Digital |
8,082 |
(120) |
-1.5% |
Green |
Welfare Revenue & Business Support |
7,874 |
(197) |
-2.5% |
Green |
Communities, Equality & Third Sector |
2,638 |
0 |
0.0% |
Green |
Contribution to Orbis |
2,925 |
11 |
0.4% |
Amber |
Total Corporate Services |
34,734 |
119 |
0.3% |
Amber |
Sub Total |
276,193 |
5,278 |
1.9% |
Bulk Insurance Premia |
3,822 |
700 |
18.3% |
Red |
Capital Financing Costs |
7,997 |
(710) |
-8.9% |
Green |
Levies & Precepts |
242 |
0 |
0.0% |
Green |
Unallocated Contingency & Risk Provisions |
64 |
0 |
0.0% |
Green |
Unringfenced Grants |
(32,193) |
0 |
0.0% |
Green |
Housing Benefit Subsidy |
399 |
589 |
147.6% |
Red |
Other Corporate Items |
1,170 |
951 |
81.3% |
Red |
Total Corporately-held Budgets |
(18,499) |
1,530 |
8.3% |
Red |
Total General Fund |
257,694 |
6,808 |
2.6% |
Red |
Repairs & Maintenance |
18,449 |
(450) |
-2.4% |
Green |
Tenancy Services |
14,900 |
496 |
3.3% |
Red |
Housing Management & Support |
6,432 |
313 |
4.9% |
Red |
Housing Investment & Asset Management |
2,924 |
115 |
3.9% |
Red |
Housing Strategy & Supply |
1,578 |
(2) |
-0.1% |
Green |
Council-owned Temporary Accommodation |
958 |
85 |
8.8% |
Red |
Rent & Service Charges |
(73,472) |
(507) |
-0.7% |
Green |
Capital Financing Costs |
8,509 |
200 |
2.4% |
Red |
Direct Revenue Funding |
19,722 |
(250) |
-1.3% |
Green |
Total Housing Revenue Account |
0 |
(0) |
0.0% |
Green |
Individual Schools Budget (ISB) |
137,798 |
0 |
0.0% |
Green |
Early Years Block (inc delegated to Schools) |
25,566 |
(164) |
-0.6% |
Green |
High Needs Block (exc delegated to Schools) |
39,652 |
1,198 |
3.0% |
Red |
Exceptions and Growth Fund |
3,397 |
124 |
3.7% |
Red |
Grant Income |
(205,139) |
0 |
0.0% |
Green |
Total Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) |
1,274 |
1,158 |
90.9% |
Red |
(1) In the above tables the Dedicated Schools Grant and Housing Revenue Account are treated as Directorates for the purposes of RAG rating.